Be honest. At some point, most people
looking to burn fat quickly have bought a supplement, tried a diet, or
jumped on some hot exercise trend based on some variation of these
And despite the increased cardiovascular health - or whatever - claims,
the truth is you bought that supplement or joined a program for one big
reason: to burn fat. But what exactly does that term mean?
The Science Of How You Burn Fat:
"Technically we're 'burning' fat every minute of every day" says Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS,
author of numerous books including The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.
"What we're really talking about here is increasing the amount of fat
used as fuel that leads to weight or fat loss."
Countless products and programs claim to increase fat burning. So how do
you cut through the hyperbolic claims and empty promises to determine
the most effective, efficient method? You talk to experts and examine the science. Here's what they suggest.
Why Insulin Is The First "Key" To Burning Fat
Experts agree that controlling insulin levels is the key to burn fat.
"The real secret of increasing fat loss is to create a hormonal
environment where insulin isn't elevated," says Bowden. "Insulin goes up
in response to elevations in blood sugar."
This master hormone doesn't respond to dietary fat. Protein, on the
other hand, does raise insulin, but also triggers glucagon, insulin's
sister hormone that releases fat.
How Carbs Effect The Fat Burning Process
But carbohydrate and insulin are soul mates, and when you eat that slice
of pizza or carrot cake, insulin rises to the occasion. And insulin
does one thing really well: it stores fat.
If you want to burn rather than store fat, then, you need to control
insulin release. And limiting carbohydrates provides a key to doing
Adopting elements of a low-carbohydrate diet
optimizes body composition. When insulin levels are high, your fat
cells essentially get 'locked' and weight loss becomes fiendishly
difficult. When insulin levels drop, it becomes much easier to lose
PEERtrainer has observed from its users, that when you eliminate grains and stick to protein (especially plant-based protein), tons of green vegetables and healthy fats, this lays the groundwork for overcoming weight loss resistance regardless of whatever health situation you are dealing with.
Author Gary Taubes states that "If you doubt insulin regulates fat
accumulation in fat cells, you can literally look it up in any good
biochemistry or endocrinology...textbook...Insulin puts fat in fat
cells. That's what it does. And our insulin levels, for the most part,
are determined by the carb-content of our diet -- the quantity and
quality of the carbohydrates consumed."
The Role Of Vegetables In The Fat Burning Process
Once you get your insulin levels under control, and optimize the natural
fat burning, vegetables play a key role in two ways. First is that
consumption of high levels of green vegetables is linked to reduced
hunger levels. Vegetables fill you up and are rich in micronutrients
which research shows are linked to lower levels of disease. PEERtrainer
members have reported for years that increased vegetables have helped
with sugar cravings- which helps you control your insulin levels.
Secondly, many plant foods, especially mushrooms function as "angiogenesis inhibitors." Angiogenesis
is a process that results in the growth of new blood vessels from
pre-existing vessels. In cancer, for example, angiogenesis occurs when a
tumor grows large enough to need its own blood supply.
What is interesting is that the growth of fat tissue is also dependent on this exact same process!
When you increase the amount of vegetables, especially broccoli,
mushrooms, onions, greens and berries, you are eating a diet that will
result in less fat needing to be burned.
are now looking into "Pharmacological manipulation of adipose (body
fat) tissue (to) offer a novel therapeutic option for the treatment of
obesity and related metabolic disorders." Translated into English, that
means that drug companies are trying to turn the properties of these
foods into drugs.
Important Note: PEERtrainer has seen that certain experts tend to
focus on one part of the fat burning equation or another. For example,
if you speak with someone like Dr. Joel Fuhrman, they will focus almost
exclusively on the role of vegtables in fat burning.
Gary Taubes on the other hand asked us in a discussion as we were
preparing this article, "is it the addition of copious green vegetables
to the diet or the removal of the refined grains and sugars and maybe
starchy vegetables that is responsible for the benefits that people
As we look at the research and science, we find ample evidence that both approaches have strong benefits. As we always say, "keep an open mind and see what works for you."
What Other Foods Play A Role In Fat Burning
JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFI, PhD, recommends eating protein at every
meal for fat loss. A breakfast smoothie made from plant-based protein,
for instance, kick-starts your day's fat burning by balancing blood
sugar and insulin levels.
A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also showed a
high-protein breakfast reduced ghrelin, a hormone that tells your brain
to eat, better than a high-carb breakfast did. Lower ghrelin, coupled
with balanced blood sugar levels, mean you're far less likely to make
that mid-morning bagel cart or snack machine trip.
Virgin also provides a simple, healthy formula for rapid weight loss
that focuses on balancing insulin levels. "Substitute one or two meals a
day with this smoothie recipe," she says, which includes rice/pea protein powder
(plant-based not whey-based), fiber, berries, spinach/kale and
unsweetened coconut milk. Then make dinner lean protein, tons of green
vegetables, and good fat like avocado or coconut.
Calorie Restriction and Fat Burning
There is absolutely no question that restricting calories plays a key
role in the fat burning process. Many people, especially in the fitness
community, are of the view that one must achieve and then maintain a
calorie deficit. There is solid research that shows that calorie restriction leads to reduction in total body fat.
The problem with this view is that if this is the only approach you
take, you'll find it very difficult to maintain that calorie deficit.
The key to getting rid of body fat is to be open to as many
scientifically proven paths as possible, which is the point of this
The Three Ways That Fiber Helps The Fat Burning Process
Fiber is something that also plays a key role in the fat burning
process. Fiber does this in at least three ways: it suppresses ghrelin,
delays stomach emptying, and buffers incoming sugar to balance insulin
A study in Nutrition Reviews showed a mere 14 grams of fiber a day
helped people lose an additional four pounds over as many months, even
when they made no other dietary modifications. This can be a challenge,
but when you add fiber to the diet successfully, it helps you in so many
different ways.
Why Essential Fatty Acids Are "Essential" For Fat Burning
Nutritionist Esther Blum recommends a fat-burning cocktail that combines
a one-to-five ratio of l-carnitine to omega-3 fatty acids. "Omega-3s
turn on the genes that burn fat and turn off the genes that store fat,"
she says. "And by boosting your carnitine levels, fat burning will
increase and you will raise your metabolism, have more energy, and
increase serotonin levels to offset cravings."
None of these supplements alone will melt away the pounds. But combined
with a lower-carbohydrate diet and the right exercise, supplements like
fiber and green tea can provide a boost to your fat loss. And even if
they don't, you'll still get numerous other health benefits.
How Much Exercise Is Really Needed To Burn Fat?
Exercise provides cardiovascular, immune, and numerous other benefits.
But be honest: you spend hours on elliptical machines and spin classes
primarily to burn fat.
Virgin says people waste hours on useless aerobic exercise when a
combination of burst training and resistance exercise can help you most
effectively burn fat. She believes this combination is the most
effective, efficient exercise you can do.
Related PEERtrainer Article: How To Train Your Body To Use Fat For Energy
Virgin combines weights and burst training in her 4 x 4 Workouts, which you can complete in just 15 minutes.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT), or burst training, involves
short (20 to 60 second) bursts at a high intensity where oxygen demand
is much higher than your body can supply. The ensuing metabolic "stress"
means your body burns more fat in less time.
Remember Rocky and the stairs? That's burst training: intense exercise
coupled with active recovery. For instance, you might run, then walk at a
fast pace, then run again.
Studies validate burst training to be incredibly effective for fat
burning. One in the journal Metabolism, for instance, showed that HIIT
proves more effective than low- to moderate-intensity exercise and
promotes fat burning. Another study in the Journal of Applied Physiology
concluded that two weeks of HIIT increased fat burning in moderately
active women.
How Sleep and Stress Influence Fat Burning
You eat a protein-rich, lower-carbohydrate diet, consume tons of fiber
and green tea, and complete Virgin's 15-minute workout four times a
week. But clocking in five hours of sleep, coupled with stress piled on
from the job from hell, can seriously derail those fat-burning efforts.
"Add in the calories from sleep and stress," says Jade Teta, ND,
author of The Metabolic Effect Diet. "You can't eat them and they don't
have calories, but if you don't manage these two critical factors you
will overeat the wrong things more often and still not feel satisfied."
Excessive stress, for instance, raises cortisol, which stores fat. You
can't eliminate stress, but you can learn how to better manage it. For
one, you might change your approach and see a situation as challenging
rather than stressful. Numerous other techniques, including yoga class,
meditation, or hypnosis CD, can lower cortisol levels and reduce stress.
Related PEERtrainer Article: The Foundational Element Of Exercise Motivation
Most experts recommend getting seven to nine hours of high-quality sleep
every night for optimal fat burning. Numerous fat-burning hormones
become out of whack with too little sleep. Ghrelin increases, for
instance, triggering you to eat more. Insulin levels also rise, which
means you store more fat. And leptin, which tells your brain to stop
eating, decreases with too little sleep, so you eat more food throughout
the day.
FAQ: How To Burn Fat Naturally?
In order to burn fat naturally, you really rely on the steps outlined in
this article. The first point of this article is that your body
actually does burn fat naturally. So as long as you keep insulin
levels down, and make sure to eat plenty of foods that help to prevent
fat deposits from "taking on a life of their own" you are going to
naturally burn fat, without any need of any special pill.
FAQ: Which Foods Help You Burn Fat?
This is a list of foods that have been shown to have anti-angiogenic
properties. As you recall from the discussion above, the growth of fat
tissue is dependent on the growth of new blood vessels to feed that new
tissue. When you consume foods that have been shown to slow or stop this
process, this helps you burn fat. This list is from Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Super Immunity.
Allium vegetables (The Entire Onion Family)
All Types Of Berries
Black Rice
Citrus Fruits
Cruciferous Vegetables
Flax Seeds
Green Tea
Omega-3 Fats
What is interesting about this list of foods is that they also are shown
to help fight tumor growth. Many people have responded to this list and
asked for some tips on how to eat more of these foods. The (free) PEERtrainer Cheat System is an easy to use system to help you make these changes. Most PEERtrainer Recipes also feature most of these foods.
Note from blogger: Brian.
All rights reserved to author: Jason Boehm.
Thank you for this quite informative post. ive been looking to shed weight for about 1 week now but im nevertheless baffled what to complete 1st or where to start. you just assisted to set my priorities to lose weight. thank you.
ReplyDeletePatricia Joyner
Author of fat burning supplements for men website
I am glad my blog was of some use. I hope it helped you enough for you to start your regime. You're welcome.
3 Researches PROVE Why Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.
ReplyDeleteThe meaning of this is that you actually burn fat by eating Coconut Fat (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).
These 3 studies from large medicinal magazines are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world upside down!